2131 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

Grandparent Lunch – February 27

Join us for Grandparent Lunch on Monday, February 27th.

Students can invite their grandparents (or any adult) to have lunch with them this day.  Guest lunches are $5.00 each.  Money is due in the office, along with your lunch choice, no later than Friday, February 17th.  Grandparents are still welcome to bring their own lunch that day if they haven’t order by the due date.


Lunch choices are:  Grilled Chicken Supreme Sandwich OR Baked Potato


Lunch Times:

1st Grade Class: 11:40 – 12:20

2nd Grade: 11:50 – 12:30

3rd Grade: 11:20 – 12:00

4th Grade: 12:00 – 12:40

5th Grade:  11:30 – 12:10

ABS: 11:20 – 12:00


Note: Students must go to lunch at the assigned grade time.

(In other words, children within the same family may not choose what time to have lunch)


Our Book Fair will be going on.  Students and grandparents are welcome to visit it after lunch at the end of main hall.