2131 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge


2024-2025 Bella Vista
Attendance Goal & Policy

Increase the percentage of students with On-Track attendance by 5% from the previous school year (each term) as measured by Early Warning Systems (EWS) data.

What does “ON-TRACK” for attendance mean? 

“ON-TRACK” for attendance means that students miss less than 5% of Instructional Days in the school year. This would be less than 9 days per year or less than 2.25 days per quarter. 

School attendance COUNTS! Every absence from school interferes with your child’s opportunity  to learn. There is a growing body of research showing that Chronic Absenteeism, usually defined by researchers as missing 10% or more of the school year (including excused and unexcused absences), has a significant negative effect on student achievement and may put a student at academic risk.

The goal for Bella Vista Elementary is that students miss no more than 5% of the school year, in an effort to help every student be successful now and in the future.

What Can Families Do?  

  • Develop a consistent bedtime and morning routine. 
  • Minimize activities involving bright lights, excitement, or stress in the hour before bedtime (i.e., video games, cell phones, television, etc.).
  • Avoid missing school unless a child is sick (i.e., contagious, prevents them from focusing on school tasks, etc.)  
  • Check with our School Nurse or Main Office staff if you are not sure when to keep your child at  home due to illness and/or your student has a chronic illness challenge. 
  • If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to an administrator, teacher, school support staff, or trusted family friend for advice on how to help your student feel comfortable attending school. 

Types of Absences: 

  • Valid Excused Absence (i.e., illness (mental or physical), family death, family emergency, religious holiday, medical appointment)
  • Guardian Excused Absence: An absence excused by a parent/legal guardian within up to five school days (1 week) of absence occurring.
    • Parents must call the Main Office or send a note excusing the absence(s). The  limit is five (5) days each school year per Canyons District policy 500.35; any additional absences  without approved verification will be considered unexcused.  
  • Unexcused Absence: Any absence without a valid excuse. 

Communication Procedure for Valid Excused Absences: 

  • Medical Appointment: Parent provides a note from a health care provider to the Main Office. 
  • Family Death, Family Emergency, Religious Holiday: Parent provides notification to the Main Office  that the student will be absent). 
  • Education/Vacation Leave: A student may be allowed up to ten (10) days for  education/vacation leave in a given school year, if prior arrangements have been made with the  school for the student to make up his/her homework. Prior to education leave, parents  are required to complete and submit  an Education Leave/Vacation Form for approval. Teachers will complete the “Work to  Be Completed” section and determine a reasonable due date. 

What happens if my student has more than 5 unexcused absences?

  • Phone call or Email from the teacher and/or the attendance secretary. They will inquire if the student is doing ok, and ask what the school can do to support the student.
  • 5-9 unexcused absences – First Attendance Inquiry Letter sent to parent/legal guardian, school based interventions considered and implemented.
  • 10-14 unexcused absences – Second Attendance Inquiry Letter sent to parent/legal guardian, conference with school administrator. School based interventions reviewed, refined and implemented. 
  • 15 or more unexcused absences – Third Attendance Inquiry Letter sent Certified Mail to parent/legal guardian , conference with School and District Administrator.