2131 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

Nominate Teacher of Year

It’s time to select our Teacher of the year for 2023 for Bella Vista Elementary.


Here is the criteria the district has laid out for when considering your choice:

  • Is an expert in their field who guides students of all backgrounds and abilities to achieve excellence.
  • Collaborates with colleagues, students, and families to create a school culture of respect and success.
  • Deliberately connects the classroom and key stakeholders to foster a strong community at large.
  • Demonstrates leadership and innovation in and outside of the classroom walls that embodies lifelong learning.
  • Expresses themselves in an engaging and articulate way.
  • They must have taught for at least one year.

The nomination window  will close on February 6.  All nominations need to be submitted online .  Here is the nomination form. https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/nominate-teacheroftheyear/