March 20, 2020
Hello Families!
In this crazy world we live in, it’s good to know that we can count on each other for safety and support! I hope you are all doing well as you wash your hands, avoid touching your face, practice social distancing, and not being in groups larger than 10. Oh, and securing your furniture to the wall in preparation for the next earthquake! (And, hoarding TP and water!)
During this unsettling time, thank you for helping our tigers as they review materials online or in a packet. We want our students to keep atop of their learning while school is closed.
Business and News
What’s next? How long will this “soft closure” last?
That is the question on everyone’s mind. Like you, we are awaiting instructions and information about what is next and how the end of this school year will finish. Hold tight! As soon as we know anything, you will know as well. Watch for emails and listen to Skylerts from the school or District for ongoing information.
At-home Learning
As stated earlier, thank you for reinforcing learning while the students are away from school. The teachers are still working and are available by phone or email to answer your questions. While on-line learning is preferred, packets are still available in the front hall of the school.
Question: Are students expected to put in 6+ hours of learning a day?
Answer: No. Students are to complete the instructional review materials online or in a packet; these materials will not require 6+ hours of learning each day. As always, have your student read at least 20 minutes every day.
Spring Testing
You have probably heard from the news that state-wide assessments will NOT be given this spring.
I am available via email or school phone to answer questions, etc. I am planning on being at the school as well.
Give those tigers a 6-foot hug from me!
Sandra to you; Ms. Houlihan to the tigers!