2131 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

Parent Newsletter 03/30/2020

March 30, 2020

Hello Families!

Greetings! The school is “officially closed” now; however, you can still reach out to us via email and phone.

Here are some items for the week:

Monday, March 30: Digital Citizenship Day

Today is your Digital Citizenship day with your students. By clicking on the “Digital Citizenship Lessons” link on the website below, you can access three (3) separate lessons for you and your students.

This link will take you to the information you need for Digital Citizenship….


Here is a screenshot of the site:

Screenshot from CSD Parent Connection Screen Shot with "Digital Citizenship Lessons" circled.

Click on Digital Citizenship Lessons, and you are good to go!

Tuesday, March 31: On-line Learning Begins on Canvas

Using the same link above, you can access the Canvas course…

See the screenshot below of the Canvas login. Click on the box circled by orange to access Canvas.

Screenshot from CSD Parent Connection Screen Shot with "Canvas" and "Canvas Login" Circled

You can always access the Parent Connections website as it is on the Canyons District Website home page.

Note: Your students may still have their library books–Good! Read them! We will collect them in May.

Take care!!

Ms. Houlihan