April 24, 2020
Hello Families!
Are you loving this warm spring weather? I sure am! There is nothing better than feeling the warm sun on your face. And, spring is such a wonderful time to walk and explore with new growth happening every day — a new “science” activity!
Here are some items for the week:
- Learning idea for good citizenship: Here is a link for a weekly kindness class https://www.cbsnews.com/feature/kindness-101-steve-hartman/
- Discussions have started about class placements for next year. While teacher requests are not being taken, we realize that your student may have a specific need that should be considered. Please email me directly with your comments by Monday, April 27. sandra.dahlhoulihan@canyonsdistrict.org
Calendar Items:
- Monday, April 27 – End of school year: Library Book Return Plan o If your students have any checked out school library books, please return them to the school as soon as possible as we have to do library book inventory every spring
- Starting Monday, a box will be set outside of the front doors of the school for book drop off. Books will be collected from the box each day
- Thank you for not taking books out of the drop off box ☺
- Friday, May 8, starting at 10:00: Bella Vista Tigers on Parade! The BV staff is coming to you!!! A parade route will be emailed showing the major areas of our school boundary. We cannot drive down every street, so we are asking that you identify areas on the route near your home and “watch the parade.” Wear your Bella Vista t-shirts, hats, etc. to show off your Tiger Pride!
- May 15 – Last Day of on-line learning o While learning will continue, May 15 will be the last day of on-line learning. Teachers will still be in communication with you about other learning/review plans to finish out your students’ school year.
- May 18 – 22: BVBCB What is BVBCB????? Bella Vista Bags and Chrome Books! EVERY student will have a Bella Vista Bag to collect that will contain personal items left in desks, paper/pencil review and learning materials, and other school/end of the year items
- All checked out Chrome Books need to be returned to the school
- A schedule will be sent out for May 18 – 22 for BVBCB
- May 29: Official Last Day of School – Stay tuned for a new approach to an old “last day of school” tradition.
Exciting Announcement! Bella Vista’s new principal is Eric Gardner, currently an assistant principal at Mount Jordan Middle School. He will be a GREAT asset to the Bella Vista family. He will be available at the school starting July 1, 2020.
Until next week,
Sandra/Ms. Houlihan