August 12, 2019
Hello Bella Vista families,
Welcome back to school! As Tony the Tiger mighty say, “It’s going to be a ‘grrrreat year’ for our tigers in reading, math, and learning activities!”
It was “grrrreat” to meet so many of you at Popsicles with the Principal. It was a fun event to get acquainted and enjoy a cool treat!
Here are a few school items to share with you before school officially starts on Monday, August 19 at 8:45.
RegistrationMake sure you have completed the online registration for your studentsIf you need assistance with the registration, please contact the school
Once on-line registration is complete, starting Thursday, August 15 after 5:00pm, you will be able to identify your student’s “grrrreat” teacher on Skyward
First day of school activitiesAs in the past, your students will meet at their teachers’ doors first and then, with their teachers, walk to the front of the school where they will enter the “grrrreat” school on the “red carpet”We will have school and District personnel to assist us as your students “walk the red carpet”
I will be there to greet every student
Back to School NightOur “grrrreat” Back to School Night will be held the second day of school, Tuesday, August 20, with two separate sessionsFirst session: 5:30 – 5:45
Second session: 6:00 – 6:15
I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to a “grrrreat” year of fun and learning!
See you soon,
Ms. Houlihan
Hello Bella Vista families,
Welcome back to school! As Tony the Tiger mighty say, “It’s going to be a ‘grrrreat year’ for our tigers in reading, math, and learning activities!”
It was “grrrreat” to meet so many of you at Popsicles with the Principal. It was a fun event to get acquainted and enjoy a cool treat!
Here are a few school items to share with you before school officially starts on Monday, August 19 at 8:45.
RegistrationMake sure you have completed the online registration for your studentsIf you need assistance with the registration, please contact the school
Once on-line registration is complete, starting Thursday, August 15 after 5:00pm, you will be able to identify your student’s “grrrreat” teacher on Skyward
First day of school activitiesAs in the past, your students will meet at their teachers’ doors first and then, with their teachers, walk to the front of the school where they will enter the “grrrreat” school on the “red carpet”We will have school and District personnel to assist us as your students “walk the red carpet”
I will be there to greet every student
Back to School NightOur “grrrreat” Back to School Night will be held the second day of school, Tuesday, August 20, with two separate sessionsFirst session: 5:30 – 5:45
Second session: 6:00 – 6:15
I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to a “grrrreat” year of fun and learning!
See you soon,
Ms. Houlihan