Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Hello Bella Vista families!
Roar! It’s been a great start to an exciting school year at Bella Vista. I’ve enjoyed meeting your students and talking with many of you. We had great attendance at our Back-to-School night where we were able to share, discuss, and learn together. There’s no doubt in my mind that many wonderful things will happen this year for the Tigers!
Here are a couple of announcements and reminders:
- Thank you to the PTA for a wonderful school carnival last week.After checking numbers, we had 72% of our students in attendance for a FREE ride wristband.Hurray!I believe that cotton candy was the big food hit of the night, while the giant polar bear slide was the big jump attraction. It was great to see our Tigers and their families having such a good time. And, the weather even held out so we could enjoy the evening.
- Parent Teacher Conferences are next week, September 25 and 26.You should have received an email or a flyer about setting your appointment time.
- The scheduling window closes Wednesday, September 18.
- Scheduling instructions are also attached to this email
- Instructions to Schedule PTC – Sept. 19.pdf Here are the instructions to sign up for a conference. After today the teacher will assign a conference time to you.
- Our Book Fair will be held September 24th – 26th. Parents are invited to attend Books & Bagles with their students on the 24th from 8:00 am – 8:40 am. The fair will also be open on the 25th & 26th from 11:30 am – 1 pm as well as during Parent Teacher Conferences.
- Because of Parent Teacher Conferences, early out day will be Thursday, September 26, with no school on Friday, September 27.
- Picture Day is coming! October 2 is the day. SMILE!
- Mark your calendars:Fall Break is October 17 and 18.
- The weather is starting to change…please make sure your students are dressed appropriately for the weather.
- Thank you for following the drop off/pick up procedures for the school. Student safety is our school’s first priority, and it starts in the parking lot.
- We love having you visit the school. To make sure our students are always safe, please check into the office first for an identification sticker before entering the school.
I plan on sending regular announcements, reminders, and informative emails regularly. If you have a concern, comment, or question, please let me know so I can assist you. I love being a Tiger! ROAR!
Happy September,
Sandra Dahl-Houlihan
“Ms. Houlihan”