2131 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

Parent Teacher Conferences – Sept. 27 – 28

Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up soon!  All conferences will be in person.

They will be held on Wednesday, September 27th from 4:00 – 8:00pm and Thursday, September 28th from 3:30 – 7:00pm.

 You will need to go online and schedule an appointment time to meet with the teacher that is convenient for you.  The window to choose your time is Sept. 11 – 21.  After this time if you have not scheduled your own appointment the teacher will schedule one for you.

Step 1-  Schedule an appointment.  Follow the step by step instructions to help you make your appointments:

  • Parents/Guardians will need to login into Skyward to sign up their student for a 15 minute appointment for each student. This is done the same way as online registration. (Contact the school if you need help with your skyward login/password).
  •  Go to canyonsdistrict.org
  •  Click on SKYWARD, then choose the FAMILY ACCESS link. Now login with your ID and password.
  • On the top of the screen select your student’s name. Then on the left hand tool bar click on CONFERENCES. You will have to do the same for each student.
  • Now you can schedule the date and time you want in this window. Click on ALL CONFERENCES, then  click on SELECT A TIME and you will see all your options. Once you have decided what date and time you want click then on SELECT on the right side of the screen. Be sure and click SAVE.   Once you have done this a confirmation email will be sent to you.
  • The window to log on and select your own conference time will be open from September11 – 21. After that the school will choose a date and time for you.
  • You will also be sent a reminder email a day or two beforehand.


As always, if you have any questions or need help making your appointment you can call the school and we’d be happy to help you.



**Our Social Worker will be here both nights. The Psychologist , SLP, and Resource teacher will be available part of the time on these nights