Thank you for being patient during this time of change. The district has developed an online learning guide for students that can be accessed on Wednesday through the district website. www.canyonsdistrict.org Included in the learning guide will be links to websites and other supports that will help you be successful at home. There will be a limited number of printed packets for students unable to access internet at home. You can pick them up on Wednesday in the main hall between the hours of 9:00am – 1:00pm. The rest of the school will be closed to the public.
Sack lunches are available for pick up for students 18 years and under between 11:30am – 12:30pm at Ridgecrest Elementary and Butler Middle School. This service is offered Monday – Friday while school is dismissed.
We will continue to stay in touch with you as new information becomes available. In the meantime stay safe and healthy.