2131 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

Principal Message 10.9.23

Hi Bella Vista Parents & Community!

Just a few reminders about upcoming events and NO SCHOOL DAYS!

Hee Haw Farms Field Trip- October 16th

Starting Monday, October 2nd through October 13th, Bella Vista students can earn the privilege to go on the Field Trip to Hee Haw Farms for a Field Trip. PERMISSION SLIPS due OCTOBER 11th. The requirement for students to earn to attend the field trip will be that they will have no major office referrals for the 2-week period. Please reach out to your student’s teacher for the permission slip and any questions.

Digital Citizenship Week – October 16th – 18th

Next week will be our Digital Citizenship Week with lessons and activities for students to learn how to become responsible digital citizens. Watch for more information and resources coming next week!

NO SCHOOL – October 19th, 20th & 23rd

There will be no school for Fall Break on Thursday, October 19th & 20th as well as no school for students on Monday, October 23rd for Teacher Professional Day. Enjoy the long weekend and Fall weather!

HALLOWEEN – October 31st

We are excited to host our traditional Halloween Parade on Tuesday, October 31st @ 9AM. Visitors will view the parade in the gym as our staff and students parade through the school. Please arrive early to give yourself time for parking and seating.

*** Parents- if you are planning on volunteering for a class party, you MUST be registered and approved as a CSD Volunteer. Please register here if you have not already done so. This will eliminate any problems or delays on the day of Halloween. Many Thanks!

October 16th               Field Trip Hee Haw Farms

October 16th -18th      Digital Citizenship Week

October 19th & 20th   FALL BREAK – NO SCHOOL!

October 23rd               NO SCHOOL  for Students (Teacher Professional Day)

October 24th – 27th     Red Ribbon Week

October 25th               2nd Grade Loveland Aquarium Visit

October 25th               School Picture Retakes

October 27th               End of Quarter 1

October 31st                Halloween Parade@9AM

Bella Vista Elementary Website

Bella Vista Family Need Survey

Please reach out anytime for support or questions.

Angi Holden
