2131 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

Principal Message

Hello Bella Vista Community!

We are looking forward to the 2023-2024 school year with all of you!

Back to School Registration is taking place now for the 2023-2024 school year.  All students, new and returning need to complete this every year.  Go to canyonsdistrict.org to do this.

Point, Click, Register! Yes, it’s that easy. Registering for school can be done completely online. Instructions for new and returning students can be found at canyonsdistrict.org


Join us for Back to School Night! It will be held on Thursday, August 17th from 4:30pm to 6:00pm.

4:30pm     Visit Teachers & Classrooms

5:00pm     General Session in Gym

5:30pm     Visit Teachers & Classrooms


Sign Up Now to Volunteer at Bella Vista

Be a classroom helper, tutor students, collect school supplies, or contribute to fundraising activities. Each year, in accordance with state law, all Canyons District volunteers must submit a Volunteer Application which can be found on the District’s website and completed online by following the prompts. Because it can take up to 72 hours for applications to be processed, it’s recommended that prospective volunteers apply well in advance of their scheduled volunteer shift. Information about the screening requirements for volunteers can be found at volunteer.canyonsdistrict.org. Questions? Please call 801-826-5171.


Recess/Copy Support Assistant

We have one position left to hire for the upcoming school year. Please apply or share this link with anyone you think might be interested in  our Recess/Copy Assistant Part time (17 hours/week) position. Please reach out to the office 801.826.7825 with any



Bella Vista LUNCH Balances PAID IN FULL!!

A huge SHOUT OUT to a very GENEROUS donation! 100% of the Bella Vista outstanding school lunch balances from last school year have been PAID IN FULL!  We express our deepest appreciation to our kind donor that made this possible for our Bella Vista Community. Thank you!

Mark Your Calendars

August 7th – 18th          Online registration open

August 17th                   Bella Vista Back To School Night!

August 21st                   First Day of School Grades 1 through 5

August 21st – 23rd        KEEP testing for Kindergarten by appointment

August 24th                  First Day of Kindergarten


Excited to start the 2023-2024 school year with all of you!