2131 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

Principal Message 8.18.23

First Day of School Reminders!

A HUGE thank you to all of you who attended our Back To School Night!

Just a few reminders about the First Day of School:

Bell Schedule

Welcome Bell 8:40am

Monday – Thursday 8:45am – 3:20pm

Friday 8:45am – 1:40pm

First Days

Monday, August 21st First Dy for grades 1 – 5

Thursday, August 24 First Day for Kindergarten

Please review the Bella vista Arrival & Dismissal Safety Plan:


  • Students are expected to be dropped off  no earlier than 10 mintues before (8:30am) the first bell at 8:40am (unless they are eating breakfast at school starting at 8:20am)
  • Students are expected to be on the South playground before school until the first bell at 8:40am.  When the bell rings, students will line up wither class and meet teacher to come inside
  • For parents dropping students off they should use the North (lower) parking lot.  When entering the parking lot for curbside drop off they need to pull as far forward as possible.  This will allow more cars to enter and dropp off and keep students safe.  Parents must not b on cell phones. 
  • If you are parking and bringing a student inside, please ue a stall in the North parking lot and exit toward the street in order to use the sidewalk and cross walks to reach the school. DO NOT cross the parking lot to access the school.  Students and parents are not allowed to wander the school halls before the bell.
  • if parents need to meet with a teacher or drop something off, they must check in at the front office by entering the school through the front doors.
  • “Walk your whells!”  Students with scooters and bikes must walk while on school property.


  • Students will be dismissed at 3:20pm Monday – Thursday and at 1:40pm on Friday.
  • For parents picking up students, they should use the North (lower) parking lot.  when entering the parking lot for curbside pick up they need to pull as far forward as possible.  This will allow more cars to enter for pick up and keep student safe.  Patents must not be on cell phones.
  • If you are parking and pciking up a students, please use a stall in the Northparking lot and exit toward the street in order to use the sidewalk and crosswalks to rech the school.  DO NOT cross the parking lot lanes to access the school.
  • If parents need to meet with a teacher or pick up a student insde the school, the must check in at the front office by entering the school through the front doors.
  • “Walk your wheels!”  Students with schooters and bikes must walk while on school property.

August 21    First Day of School for Grades 1 – 5 – Red Carpet Welcome!

August 21 – 23    KEEP testing for Kindergarten by appointment

August 24    First Day of Kindergarten

August 29    Fundraiser Night with Cafe Zupas from 4:00- 9:00pm

Please contact us with any questions or supposrt we can provide.  We are excited to start the 2023-2024 school year with all of you!