2131 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

Principal Message 8.30.22

Bella Vista Families,


  1. Attendance Incentive for September:  During the month of September, any student who has clean attendance for 15 out of the 20 days (no absences, tardies, check-ins, check-outs) will earn a prize on September 29th.
  1. Parent Safety Night:  The Brighton feeder schools would like to invite all parents to a Parent Safety Night on September 7th at 6:00pm at Butler Middle School.   Canyons School District, Cottonwood Heights Police, and Cottonwood Heights City officials will be speaking about safety within our community schools.   Parents can submit concerns/questions to be addressed during the meeting by following the link provided:  https://forms.gle/eq1aXu6B9rP9PWqL8


  1. Parent Square:  Bella Vista Elementary will be using ParentSquare for future school communication, primarily with email, text, and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number.  For additional information and support please see the following link:  https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/parentsquare/


  1. Labor Day:  This coming Monday, September 5th is Labor Day and there will be no school.   Enjoy your extra-long weekend!