2131 East 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

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Behavior Expectations

Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) is an approach to teaching and supporting positive behaviors.  This schoolwide approach focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which students can learn.

The purpose of schoolwide PBIS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. Schoolwide systems of support include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments.  Research and evidence has found teaching behavioral expectations and rewarding students for following them is a positive approach and much more effective than waiting for misbehavior to occur before responding.

Schoolwide Expectations

We have four school rules at Bella Vista: 


We are SAFE

We are KIND 


We want students to know what it looks and sounds like to follow these rules in all school settings and have positive interventions and supports to scaffold our students’ successes.

PBIS Matrix- Expectations for Behavior






Educators’ Role

Arrival & 


Voice 2

Follow adult directions

Use appropriate and friendly language

Hold door for those behind you

  • Use cross- & sidewalks

  • Go straight to where you are expected

  • Walk wheels on crosswalks & school property

  • Arrive and leave on time

  • Be in the right place at the right time

  • Use your assigned doors to enter and exit

  • Go quickly and directly to your destination.

  • Keep school clean inside and out.

  • Be on-time to Duty Assignment. 

  • Be on time to pick up students when bell rings

  • Greet students and parents


Voice 0

  • Follow adult directions

  • Walk quietly

  • Walk at all times

  • Stay in straight line, single file and facing forward

  • Look without touching displays

  • Stay with your class

  • Go quickly and directly to your destination. 

  • Pre-teach and enforce expectations with PBIS 

  • Walk students door to door. 

  • Stop and reteach if they are not following expectations.


Voice 3

  • Play by the rules

  • Use a respectful voice

  • Respond to the whistle or bell immediately

  • Use equipment safely

  • Take a break if upset. 

  • Get permission to use the bathroom/get a drink

  • Put equipment away

  • Use friendly, school appropriate words

  • Include others

  • Share equipment

  • Listen to and follow all adult directions. 

  • Pre-teach and reinforce expectations with PBIS 

  • Release/pick up on-time.

  • Actively supervise in hallway


Voice 1/2

  • Raise hand for help and to be excused

  • Stay seated at your table until dismissed

  • All food/drinks remain in lunchroom

  • Keep hands and feet to self

  • Carry tray with both hands

  • Touch only your food

  • Face table, feet on the floor, bottom on bench

  • Stay in your place in line

  • Eat politely at tables

  • Leave your area clean

  • Make healthy food choices

  • Walk students to lunchroom

  • Group and line up students by lunch choice with lunch cards. 


Voice 0

  • Use quiet voices.

  • Get permission to use the bathroom

  • Respect others’ privacy

  • Wash your hands

  • Flush, wash and leave

  • Use soap and paper products appropriately

  • Keep the restroom clean

  • Quietly wait your turn

  • Use during scheduled times

  • Return to class quickly

  • Pre-teach expectations

  • Have a bathroom procedure so you know who is in the bathroom. 


Voice 0/1

  • Follow adult directions

  • Use appropriate and friendly language

  • Treat books and equipment with care. 

  • Walk in the library.

  • Be in the right place at the right time. 

  • Keep furniture in place.

  • Be polite in line and wait your turn

  • Keep hands & feet to self

  • Share and take turns

  • Read quietly during reading and checkout time. 

  • Pre-teach and reinforce expectations with PBIS


Voice 3

  • Follow adult directions

  • Use appropriate and friendly language

  • Take care of equipment

  • Clean up after yourself

  • Play by the rules

  • Butterfly fingers

  • Keep hands and feet to self

  • Follow game rules

  • Report unsafe equipment or people

  • Be kind to others

  • Take care of yourself

  • Share and take turns

  • Encourage others

  • Participate in activities.

  • Dress appropriately. 

  • Pre-teach and reinforce expectations with PBIS


Special Events

Voice 0

  • Follow adult directions

  • Enter and exit quietly

  • Wait to be dismissed

  • Sit flat on your pockets

  • Keep hands and feet to self

  • Walk and sit facing forward

  • Keep space between you and others

  • Stay with your class

  • Clap and cheer when appropriate

  • Be good listeners

  • Listen to presenter(s)

  • Listen to the presenters

  • Learn what you can from the presentation

  • Pre-teach and enforce expectations with PBIS 

  • Active supervision of students

  • Active participation in the assembly


Voice 2

  • Follow adult directions

  • Use office phone with permission

  • Explain what you need

  • Be calm

  • Stand quietly with hands to self

  • Get adult’s assistance politely

  • Use kind words and actions

  • Be patient and wait your turn

  • Listen to and follow all adult directions. 

  • Send students with a  pass to the office. 

  Game Room

Voice 2

  • Use equipment and materials appropriately

  • Put all materials away

  • Follow adult directions

  • Keep hands & feet to self

  • Use appropriate and friendly language

  • Share and take turns

  • Encourage and celebrate others

  • Listen to and follow all adult directions. 

  • Pre-teach and enforce expectations with PBIS 

  • Active supervision of students

Indoor Recess

Voice 2

  • Play fairly & include everyone

  • Share equipment and games

  • Use a respectful voice

  • Follow adult directions

  • Keep hands and feet to self

  • Put materials away

  • Get permission to use the bathroom 

  • Follow game rules

  • Walk in the building

  • Stay in classroom or designated area

  • Use materials appropriately

  • Listen to and follow all adult directions.

  • Pre-teach expectations

  • Pre-plan with team the expectations for inside recess

Voice Levels

Tiger’s words are always respectful, safe and kind. 

Level 0

Voices Off

Silent Talk

Hallway, Library, Assembly

Level 1

Whisper Voice

Partner Talk

Library, Restroom, Lunchroom

Level 2

Speaker/Conversation Voice

Table Talk

Answering a question so others can hear your answer

Game Room, Office, Lunchroom, Indoor Recess, Arrival & Dismissal

Level 3

Outside Playground Voice

Playground, Gym 

Positive Reinforcement

All teachers have a plan for providing positive reinforcement in their classroom when students comply with rules.  All staff members give out PAWS points to students based on their positive behavior. 

As needed throughout the year, we will hold PAWS days to remind students of our schoolwide behavioral expectations.

Bully Prevention
Nationally, the definition of bullying is being looked at by lawyers and educators.  Here at Midvalley, we value using the latest research.  Our definition of bullying is:

  • Aggressive behavior that involves unwanted negative actions
  • Involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time
  • Involves an imbalance of power or strength

We use the language:  stop, walk, talk

  • As Victims or Bystanders, students are encouraged to tell the perpetrator to STOP
  • If the aggressive behavior continues, they are taught to WALK away
  • If they continue to be bothered, they are to TALK to an adult


Consequences for Misbehavior
Students receive appropriate and timely consequences for inappropriate behavior.  Inappropriate behaviors are categorized as Minor or Major.

Students are sent to the office for repeated minors or major offenses.  A repeated minor is when a student commits a minor behavior infraction, but does so repeatedly (3-4 times) as the teacher repeatedly attempts to help the student change the behavior.  Based on the teacher’s judgment, this may be during the course of a single lesson, day, or week.  If the teacher’s efforts are not successful, the student may be sent to the office for major or an Office Discipline Referral (ODR). Other majors include physical aggression, sexual harassment, and racial issues.

Bella Vista utilizes restorative practices when we work with our students to help them repair harm caused and rebuild relationships. Our goal is to teach students tools to be successful. 

Parent/Guardian Tips
Families are encouraged to check in with their children daily about how their school day went. Should your child share with you any concerning information, please reach out to your teacher so that we can work together as a team to ensure that all of our students feel safe and loved at Bella Vista.

1. Children watch what adults model and are excellent imitators. If you need to count to 10, take deep breaths, or choose another strategy that helps you calm down before you address your child’s behavior problem, remember that the goal is to increase the likelihood of the unwanted behavior will not happen again and to preserve your loving relationship with the child.

2. It’s a challenge, but the more consistent and clear adults can be with their expectations, the less problems children will have following them.

3. Paying positive attention to the child’s behaviors you want to see helps support the likelihood you’ll see them again.

4. Spend time listening daily to your child talk about what interests them.

5. Children love routines with clearly defined steps.

6. When children make a poor choice, ask them, ” How can you make this right?” and “What will you do next time?

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