Bella Vista SCC Agenda 12-14-2020
Review/approval of the minutes
Review discipline + academic data
School plans
a. Land Trust $32, 766
i. As of December 1st still $29,390 (only 10.3% of budget spent so far)
Proposed to make an amendment and buy $15,000 in Chromebook
b. TSSA $30,405
i. As of December 1st still $27,837 (only 8.44% of budget spent so far)
ii. Proposed to make an amendment:
1. Student achievement incentives – $5000
2. PBIS Room – $3000
3. Morning meeting books – $1000
4. After school tutoring –
Snow day procedures
COVID Updates
4 day school week will last till end of year
Bella Vista continues to be awesome!
Faculty report