Bella Vista SCC 2-2-2021
1. Welcome – Jessica Van Wagoner
2. Review discipline + academic data
- Good news: Discipline trending downward this month.
- Kids in class do better; most discipline problems are on the playground.
3. School Safety plan + Safe Routes
- We are working on adding additional parking to back of the building. – Forty-two families are doing online learning which helps with parking for now.
- Getting new basketball hoops -We will take out the basketball hoops for the additional parking and build a fence. We will keep the playground as well.
- We kept the proposal for hawk lights on the cross walk across Ft. Union.
- Safety drill for February is Shelter in Place
- Teachers lock the doors and continue to teach.
5. School plans
- Landtrust update = Initially we planned to spend $15,000 on Chrome books. The school district will now provide technology:
- 9th graders receive new Chrome books for high school
- Middle schoolers receive Chrome books for 6th grade-8th
- Each teacher receives a device for each student.
(iPads for younger grades/Chrome books for older grades)
We could purchase some iPads and chromebooks now and save the remaing fund until we have more information.
B. TSSP update= We have started purchasing equipment for the room
The majority of kids earned the Bella Vista beanie.
6. Tutoring update
A. With the extra funds, we want to purchase a ‘book’ vending machine.
7. Faculty Report
A. Reading tutoring aftter school will start
B. Enrichment activities afteer school will start
C. Testting with the beane incentive = postive results
D. An interventions being interviewed now.
8. Review/approval of the minutes
Kim Steenblik = motion to approve minutes Jessica Van Wagoner = second
9. Next Meeting: Monday, March 22