2131 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

March 20, 2023 – Minutes

Members in Attendance:  Jessica Van Wagoner, Trisha Jensen, Emily Lamunyon, Sonia Klonoski, Juliana Jackson, Tanya Patino, Eric Gardner, Colleen Winterton (secretary)


Incentives Update

  • Classic Fun Center – Took almost every student.  Great day!
  • Reading Gala – Coming up on April.    Hoping most of the students will be attending with their chosen guest.  Have a few guests of honor coming.  Keep reminding students to read!!


Teacher Morale – Been doing something fun for teachers every week from winter break to spring break.  ex. food, voucher for one hour break, notebooks, spa package


School Goals for 23-24 – School goals were sent to SCC ahead of time to look over.  Mr. Gardner went over them with council during meeting.  Each of these goals have monies associated with them:

READING – Goal is 70% of students reaching proficiency.

  •  Want to move academic interventionists to help support in classrooms for teachers who will only have one class  per grade.  Teachers who have two teachers per grade will do their own intervention.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – Want to allow for teachers to attend professional conferences of their choice.

MATH – Goal is 70% of students reaching proficiency.

  • Want to purchase iReady math software for student support

INCENTIVES – Discussed monies to put towards activities like Classic Fun Center, beaning, etc

STEAM – Bring STEAM to Bella Vista and advertise it well!  Teachers will offer different activities that will take place on Fridays.  Curriculum will be written by teachers and tied to district science curriculum.  The whole school will get to participate.

ATTENDANCE – Attendance has gone down this year, even with a lot of effort.  Want to continue promoting regular attendance.

PBIS – Teachers receive a budget to use in classrooms.  School wide PBIS includes reading gala, bi-monthly drawing awards, attendance lunches, out door classroom, etc.

SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL – Want to continue to support the calm room and incentives for social worker.


  • Other – It was decided no additional meetings are needed this school year.  Thanks were expressed to SCC members for their work on the council this year.


  • Approval of Minutes – Jessica Van Wagoner made a motion to approve the minutes.  Sonia Klonosky seconded the motion.  Minutes were approved as stands.