SCC 3-22-2021
- Welcome – Jessica Van Wagoner
- Present: Principal Gardner, Ms. Patino, Jessica Van Wagoner, Heather Armstrong and Bridget
- Review discipline + academic data
- Discipline is good overall
- More aggression on the playground, Wednesdays/afternoons are the worst
- Digital Citizenship Plan
- Librarian, Ms. Caldwell. and Mr. Porter are working together
- Principal can run a report with key words in Google search: Ex 1: “Hot, Women, Bikini’s” will be flagged.
Ex 2: “How do I kill myself” phrase will be flagged to give services to the family
- Cell Tower Money
- Teacher Appreciation (1 to 2 days, the PTA will take the rest)
- Replace sign in front of the building
- Student drawings for end of year (a bigger drawing to reward kids at the end of the year.)
- School Plans
- Math goal = 80% (we are at about 72%)
$32,400 for math (2 aides (same as this year), and $15,000 on technology, $800 for teacher edition books, $3,000 to math web subscriptions)
- Reading goal = same as math goal ($7,000 in student incentives, $13,000 for a behavior aide, $3,000 supplies for classroom stores, $2,000 book vending machine)
- School Climate goal: ($1,000 books, $2,400 PBIS rewards subscriptions, $2,000 supplies to implement PBIS rewards in classes—digital instead of paper)
- Land Trust carry over decision:
The district has purchased Chrome books and iPads for Bella Vista Elementary School.
- We can write an Amendment to roll over what funds we have left this year. ($13,000 to hire another interventionist) This is a one-time roll over because of COVID.
- Approval: School plan needs to be signed at the school at the front office.
- Faculty report
- “Principal Gardner Goals” are emphasized in the classrooms.
- Ice cream and beanies were great incentives.
- Academic Goals: 40 working minutes and lessons and units
- Fridays: Teachers are happy to have remote Fridays.
- Other
Tentative meeting May 10, 2021
- Review/approval of the minutes