2131 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

October 12, 2020 – Minutes

Bella Vista

School Community Council  Minutes 10.12.20



Members in Attendance:  Kim Steenblik, Jessica VanWagoner, Bridget Kauppila, Heather Armstrong, Tanya Patino, Eric Gardner, Colleen Winterton (secretary)


  • Elections for SCC Chair/Vice Chair: Jessica VanWagoner  was nominated  as chair.  Bridgett Kauplla seconded it.  All in favor.  Kim Steenblik was nominated as vice chair. Eric Gardener seconded it.  All in favor.  Heather Armstrong  was nominated as secretary.  Kim Steenblik seconded it.  All in favor.  A new board is now in place for the 20-21 year.


  • Meetings for the Year: December 14, February 8, March 22 (date change), May 10 (as needed)


School Plans:


  1. Land Trust – $30, 038 – Just hired an interventionist but will still have surplus. Would like to spend some of the excess on student chrome books.


  1. TSSA – $23,900 – Unable to hire behavior specialist as planned. Have focused on PBIS instead.  Would like to spend surplus on PBIS and student chrome books.


  1. TSI – reported to council  that this is our 2nd 


  1. Cell Tower –
  2. Provide shirts for students & staff
  3. It was suggested that tiger paw masks also be made & provided
  4. Incentives for student achievement – ex. testing incentives, pizza parties, etc. future field trips, more PBIS


All of these plans were discussed and approved by the council for the 20/21 school year.



COVID Updates –


  • 4 day school week – will last until winter recess. School board will discuss it again at that point.


  • Students are being rock stars at wearing their masks!


  • Eric asked council for feedback. It is appreciated that lunches are delivered to classrooms on Thursdays.  Also grateful that we haven’t had any COVID cases here yet.


  • It was suggested that we make parents aware of free breakfast. We will send a skylert out to parents.


  • Parent Teacher Conference feedback – Parents said virtual went well. Could do it from home or out of town.  Teacher rep likes in person conferences better. Wondered if maybe in the future they could choose between in person/online conferences.


SCC Training


  • All SCC members need to do the annual training.



Kim Steenblik made motion to adjourn the meeting.  Bridget Kaupplia seconded it.  All in favor.


Next Meeting:  December 14, 2020