2131 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

October 16, 2023 – Minutes

Bella Vista Elementary  SCC Meeting Agenda

October 16, 2023


Attending: Jessica Van Wagoner, Korina Jagiello-Caldwell, Tricia Jensen, Emily La Munyon, Kim Steenblik, Tracy Keck, Tanya Patino, Angi Holden,

Excused: Colleen Winterton, Juliana Jackson


  1. Welcome – Jessica VanWagoner
  2. 2022-2023 TSSA/Land Trust Plan Review
  3. 2023-2024 TSSA/Land Trust Plan

Funding Received

  • LAND Trust: 29,376.28
  • TSSA: 40,582.78

Plans and Reports

  1. 2023-2024 TSSP Plan
  2. 2023-2024 LAND Trust Plan
  1. Positive Behavior Plan

Learning Opportunities/Activities:

  1. Wellness/Calm Room
  2. Morning Meetings and Thrive Time Lessons (1x a week)
  3. Small Group SEL lessons
  4. Botvin substance abuse
  5. Supplemental lessons as needed for classrooms by the Human Relations support staff.
  6. Check-in Check-out


Programs, clubs, pro-social activities:

  1. Junior Coaching program through Playworks
  2. Safety Patrol
  3. Attendance goals and incentives
  4. Schoolwide PBIS and MTSS
  5. Safe UT


  1. School Safety Plan
    1. Drill Schedule
      1. Staff Reviewed Safety plan, drills and procedures
      2. Evacuation & Reunification
        1. Whitmore Library
        2. Brighton HS
        3. Parent Square
    2. Visitor Protocol reviewed
    3. Volunteer Protocol reviewed
    4. Safe Routes
    5. #1 Safety Concern- crosswalks, Hawk light for Fort Union, Lights on Stop signs


  1. Digital Citizenship Plan
    1. Digital Citizenship Week & Resources
    2. Handouts for CSD Filtering distributed.
  2. 2023-2024 TSSP Goals Data Update
    1. Fall Benchmarks for Reading & Math
    2. Attendance as of 10.16.23 reviewed
    3. STEAM Fridays and Introduction of STEAM Maker-Space Afterschool
  3. CellTower Distribution
    1. Teacher Budgets and PBIS
  4. Adjourn


Next Meeting: January 8, 2024